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New Blue Aeroplanes group at!

  • Subject: New Blue Aeroplanes group at!
  • From: "Dwight Larson" <>
  • Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 08:08:14 -0700

Hi, everybody!

I just got done putting together a new Yahoo! Group for fans and members
(not sure which there are more of!) of the Blue Aeroplanes.  The group
home page is:

This group should provide some neat features for those who are inclined
to use it...  First off, it is totally free, just like the current email
list server.  Second, it allows us a file storage/sharing area, with
20MB capacity.  This way, we can share a few interesting MP3's and
such.  There are areas for photos and bookmarks too.

We also get a chat service, which might be fun.  Members of the group
can create and participate in polls, and there is an online calendar,
where we can keep track of Aeros-related events, like concerts.

Also - if a member so chooses, she/he can opt to receive messages in a
daily digest, or limit participation to browsing the group message
archives online, thus preventing a flood of Church/Marillion chatter, if
you find that bothersome.

To join the group, all you have to do is sign up for a Yahoo! Groups
username, if you don't have one already.  It is super simple!  Just
clicking the link above should get you started in no time.

Finally:  If Nora and Stacey will let me know what their Yahoo! Groups
usernames are, I can set them up as moderators.

If anyone has suggestions, art, files, or whatever for the group, please
send them in so we can make this into a fun, informative resource!

- Dwight Larson

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