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RE: 'Planes or prog rock - you decide...

  • Subject: RE: 'Planes or prog rock - you decide...
  • From: "Doxtator, Edward" <>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 10:33:01 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: Alastair Tweedie []
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 12:15 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [blueplanes] 'Planes or prog rock - you decide...

>Sure, but I almost unsubscribed today when I saw the volume of unrelated
>stuff coming into my inbox from the list. I know I'm not much of a
>contributor to this list (this is only my third posting since I joined
>months ago) but I really do rely on it for advance notice of their all
>rare gigs.

Sorry-- didn't mean to sound so snotty there.

It's not so much offence-- but you have to expect that every so often,
people who like the Aeros have other interests in other bands, and that
there will be discussion about those other bands.

The amount and conent is pretty mild, as it only happens about once every
six months or so.  You should see the amount of off-topic posting on the
Robyn Hitchcock list.  It seems to happen hourly.  But everyone on that
digs it, because they've all agreed to it.  They're also very polite about
things like quoted text and flames.

For my money, it's healthy that there's a little bit of non-Aeros related
traffic.  But that's sort of what I'm used to.  Not everyone cares.

Other lists have a seperate e-mail list, usually called "Announce", which
read-only (it doesn't accept replies), and the content is strictly
announcements regarding the band.  Announcements usually take the form of
record releases, gigs, and press releases.

Perhaps we could have something like that on this list.  Not everyone digs
getting piles of five-line e-mails (with 2K of quoted text), in their

Just a thought.  Nora?


Sorry if I caused offence :-(

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